
刘锋教授:Organic Topological Insulators in 2D Organometallic Lattices



Organic Topological Insulators in 2D Organometallic Lattices



美国犹他大学材料系主任,APS Fellow


赵明文 教授


2014-03-13 09:00




Topological insulators (TIs) are a recently discovered class of materials having insulating bulk electronic states but conducting boundary states distinguished by nontrivial topology. So far, several generations of TIs have been theoretically predicted and experimentally confirmed, all based on inorganic materials. In this talk, I will present our recent study of a family of two-dimensional organic TIs made of organometallic lattices [1-4], based on first-principles calculations and tight-binding model analyses. Designed by assembling molecular building blocks of organometallic compounds with strong spin-orbit coupling into a hexagonal and Kagome lattices, these new classes of organic topological materials are shown to exhibit nontrivial topological edge states in both Dirac bands [1,4] and flat Chen bands (so-called fractional Chern insulator) [2,4], which are robust against significant lattice strain. Realization of half metallic state and anomalous quantum Hall effect in magnetic organic TIs with the inclusion of transition metal elements will also be discussed [3]. We envision that organic topological materials will greatly broaden the scientific scope and technological impact of emerging topological materials.

[1] Z. F. Wang, Zheng Liu and Feng Liu, “Organic topological insulators in organometallic lattices”, Nature Commun. 4, 1471 (2013).

[2] Z. Liu, Z. F. Wang, J.-W. Mei, Y. Wu and Feng Liu, “Flat Chern Band in a Two-Dimensional Organometallic Framework”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 106804 (2013).

[3] Z. F. Wang, Z. Liu and Feng Liu, “Quantum anomalous Hall effect in 2D organic topological insulator”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 196801 (2013).

[4] Z. F. Wang, N. Su and Feng Liu, “Prediction of a Two-Dimensional Organic Topological Insulator”, Nano Letters, 13, 2842 (2013).



刘锋教授提出了多项应变引导的薄膜生长的形貌不稳定性和纳米结构(量子点,量子线等)自主装理论,被用于解释了大量的实验。一些理论预言,如Li-Liu-Lagally (LLL)模型被实验证实。2002-2007年创建和主导了犹他大学纳米材料和器件计算设计中心。刘锋教授也是计算材料物理领域的国际学术带头人之一,在碳纳米管,石墨烯等纳米材料和器件,和拓扑绝缘体的计算设计方面做出一些很有意义的工作。刘锋教授已发表180多篇学术论文,拥有10多项专利或专利申请,8章丛书和15篇特邀综述论文,在世界各地作过近200场学术邀请报告。因其在分子束外延薄膜生长和半导体纳米结构的原子机理方面的杰出贡献而于2008年获得Senior Humboldt Award,在纳米结构理论和应变引导的纳米结构自主装方面的杰出贡献而于2011年被选为APS Fellow。受聘清华大学短期访问教授。2010年刘锋教授的一项专利被Sorensen Capital投资公司买断成立了Solan公司,研发石墨烯和炭基纳米材料在太阳能,光电和其他器件方面的应用。刘锋教授兼任该公司首席科学顾问。2014年刘锋教授的一项发明技术转让到Life-E公司,研发多元纳米复合材料在环境和能源方面的应用。刘锋教授兼任该公司首席科学顾问。
