
Handling the nature of organic semiconductors: From band structure study to its engineering by quasi-pinning effect of the Fermi level


报告题目:Handling the nature of organic semiconductors: From band structure study to its engineering by quasi-pinning effect of the Fermi level

报告人Prof Nobuo UENO(上野信雄教授), Chiba University, Japan

邀请人:郝晓涛 辛倩

时间:  2016126(星期二)  15:30

地点:  光电所报告厅



Prof Nobuo UENO

Director, London Office of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS London)

Distinguished Professor and Professor Emeritus, Chiba University

Chair Professor, Soochow University

Councillor of the Futaba Electronics Memorial Foundation


Academic positions

2016(May 1-)    Director, London office, Japan Society for the Promotion Science

2014 (Apr.1-)       Distinguished Professor of Chiba University,
                Professor Emeritus of Chiba University, and special researcher of
                Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science

1996-2014, Full Professor of Chiba University:

1989-1996, Associate Professor, Chiba University

1977-1988, Research Asociate, Lecturer, Chiba University

1984-1985 Research fellow of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation at HASYLAB, DESY, Hamburg, West Germany (Prof. E. E. Koch)

1976-1977, Post doctoral fellow of Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) at Dept. of Applied Physics, Tohoku University (Prof. S. Kiyono)


2009-2012, Special assistant to the president of Chiba University

2009-2013, Director of Advanced Institute for Molecular Electronics Studies, Chiba University


Program leader (representative of Chiba University)

2003-2007Leader of 21st Century Center-of-Excellence program (MEXT), “Frontiers of Super-Functionality Organic Devices

2008-2012Leader of Global Center-of-Excellence program (MEXT), “Advanced School of Organic Electronics

2013Leader of 卓越した大学院拠点形成“Takuetsu” program (MEXT)



1976PhD Tohoku University

1973MasterTohoku University

1971BachelorShinshu University:



The nature of organic semiconductors, which can explain difference between organic and inorganic semiconductors, is overviewed. Then electronic states studies using ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy are introduced in relation to charge and polaron transport properties in “organic devices”.  We then discuss a method how to intentionally tune the Fermi level in the band gap, namely the charge injection barrier height, using the “quasi Fermi-level pinning” effect.