
Luminosity determination in pp collisions using the ATLAS detector at the LHC


报告题目:Luminosity determination in pp collisions using the ATLAS detector at the LHC

  报告人:刘佩莲   博士后


  邀请人黄性涛 教授

报告时间:2017324日(周五)下午 4:00




An accurate measurement of the delivered luminosity is a key component of the ATLAS physics programme. For cross-section measurements, the uncertainty in the delivered luminosity is often one of the major systematic uncertainties. Searches for, and eventual discoveries of, physical phenomena beyond the Standard Model also rely on accurate information about the delivered luminosity to evaluate background levels and determine sensitivity to the signatures of new phenomena. This seminar presents the measurement of the luminosity delivered to the ATLAS detector at the LHC in pp collisions.




Peilian Liu received her Ph.D degree in Particle Physics from Shandong University. She was a PhD student at the BESIII experiment and continued as a postdoc in 2014 at IHEP. She had been focusing on the study of charmed mesons, charmed baryons, also the search for new particles and rare processes. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at the Physics Division of Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (LBNL), working on the design and performance evaluation of the Inner Tracker (ITk) pixel detector for the ATLAS Phase-II upgrade. She is also taking the task of luminosity measurement for Run2 data with the current pixel detector at ATLAS.