Prof. Maki Tachikawa
孙振东 教授
2017-09-12 16:10
知新楼C702 量子报告厅
Although Planck’s law of blackbody radiation well describes spectral profiles of thermal radiation from macroscopic objects, it remains an open question if Planck’s formula is straightforwardly applicable to particles of size comparable to optical wavelengths. We experimentally demonstrate that thermal radiation from a micron-sized dielectric particle depends sensitively on its size and shape through the cavity quantum-electrodynamic effect. Our flow-assisted optical trapping levitates a single molten droplet to enable its emission spectroscopy. As the particle becomes smaller, a blackbody-like spectrum turns into a spectrum dominated by multiple peaks resonant with whispering gallery modes of the dielectric sphere, showing that the spontaneous emission rate is modified by the discrete mode density. Mie scattering theory well describes the mode-selective thermal radiation from a micron-sized particle, and also predicts monochromatic thermal radiation when the emitting body further shrinks into the submicron range.
1987-1997東京大学理学部物理系 助手
1994-1997美国国家标准与技术研究院(NIST) 客座研究员
1997-2003明治大学物理系 副教授
2003-现在 明治大学物理系 教授