
Quantum Contextuality and the Kochen-Specker Theorem



报告人:C. H. Oh

                 Professor, Centre for Quantum Technologies and Physics Department,

        National University of Singapore


报告时间:2019621 上午1030




邀请人: 仝殿民



The quantum contextuality becomes experimentally testable due to the discovery of the so called the Kochen-Specker inequalities, which include Bell-inequalities as special cases since locality can be understood as a space-like-separation-enforced non-contextuality. In the past ten years this fascinating nonclassical feature has been verified in many experiments on photons, trapped ions, and neutrons and so on. The quantum contextuality as revealed by Kochen-Specker theorem should manifest itself in any state of a system with more than 2 distinguishable states. However for the simplest system capable of exhibiting quantum contextuality namely a qutrit, only a state-dependent test has been done most recently. The main obstacle to a state-independent verification of quantum contextuality for qutrits is that too many observables, e.g., at least 31, are involved in all the known state-independent tests. In this talk, we will discuss contextuality and provide a state-independent proof of KS theorem using only 13 rays determined by 26 points on the surface of a magic cube.



Prof. Oh was the former Head of Physics Department, National University of Singapore, and is a Fellow of APS. His research interests include quantum information and computation, quantum algebra and Yang-Baxter equations, Yang-Mills gauge field theories and Chern-Simons theories, and dual resonance models in high energy physics.


