
Diquark Effective Theory - Colored Clusters in Hadron


报告人: Professor Makoto Oka

时  间: 2019731日(周三)上午1000

地  点: 知新楼C 1011

邀请人: 刘言锐


Recent discoveries of exotic hadrons have stimulated theoretical studies of hadron structures from various new viewpoints. Some of the newly observed states are possibly multi-quark hadrons, which contain more than three quarks. Such hadrons may contain sub-components, i.e. clusters, of singlet or non-singlet color. Color-singlet clusters will form hadronic molecules, while color-nonsinglet ones may form compact multi-quark states. The simplest possible color-non-singlet ingredient is a diquark, or two-quark clusters. We here consider a chiral effective theory of diquarks of light u, d, s quarks. We formulate a linear sigma model for light diquarks and consider how the spontaneous breaking of chiral symmetry is realized in the diquark sector. Using information from the lattice QCD calculation of diquarks, we will make some predictions on the behaviors of diquarks in medium. We also discuss how to observe diquarks in heavy baryon spectroscopy.


Prof. Makoto Oka got his BSc in 1975 and Ph. D in 1980 from University of Tokyo. He had worked in University of Tokyo, Kobe University, MIT, and University of Pennsylvania before 1991. Then he went to Tokyo Institute of Technology (TIT) as an associate Professor and was promoted to Full Professor of physics in 1996. From April 2007 to March 2011, Prof. Oka served as Dean of Science, TIT. From October 2011 to September 2017, he was Core Member of Science Council of Japan and Chair of Physics Committee. From April 2015 to March 2018, he served as the group leader of Advanced Science Research Center, JAEA (Japan Atomic Energy Agency). Now Prof. Oka is the Director General of Advanced Science Research Center, JAEA.
